Illustrative Example Acme Construction is expanding its business, and part of this expansion includes the acuisition of a commercial truck. he compan purchases a used  Peterbilt  ­ith €‚ƒ„ …P†‡ˆ‰5DŠ5‹5 and contacts their insurance carrier for a uote. he proŒide the €‚ƒ number, and ­hen the €‚ƒ is keed into the carrier’s sstem for a premium uote, €‚ƒ decoding reŒeals that this specific truck ­as an incomplete truck ­hen the €‚ƒ ­as issued. ‘hile the €‚ƒ proŒides the carrier ­ith ke specifications including age, ’Cƒ, gross Œehicle ­eight or gross combined Œehicle ­eight, truck“tractor indicators, and other attributes, it does not proŒide the Œalue of the truck bod. ‚f the insurance carrier does not collect additional information than ­hat the €‚ƒ proŒides, risk and financial exposure are introduced, and Acme ma unkno­ingl not be full coŒered in the eŒent of a claim. hat’s risk for the carrier, but also risk for Acme. ‚ntelligence solutions integrated into the uoting sstem at the insurance carrier can alleŒiate the risk b looking not ”ust at the €‚ƒ decoding, but also other industr•related factors to deliŒer a range of Œalues for the insurance carrier to consider ­hen uoting a premium. –sing an insurtech solution, the carrier is able to accuratel uote a polic that coŒers the ­hole truck, not ”ust the cab and chassis. his protects both the insurance carrier and Acme Construction in the case of a claim. Price Digests • Reducing Commercial Auto Risk Exposure • • 5

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